
Yoga & Pilates // explore the grey in the dichotomy of movement.


Breath is the most accessible way to impact our state of being. Letting breath animate the body while providing further connection to your mind and body.


Moving in a way that restores coordination and efficient use of the muscles that control and support your movement. Building intelligence in the body for the benefit of the mind.


Allowing purpose to be the teacher of you. Finding a balance between what you can change and what you cannot. Removing the dichotomy and adding curiosity.


For the enthusiasts, curious, and professional 

  • 60-minute vinyasa styled in home/online private

  • 60-minute yin yoga in home or online

  • 45-minute reformer class in home or online

    available for 55 minute private/semi-private at Raleigh Pilates

  • 45-minute mat Pilates class in home or online

  • 60-minute class; 30-minute yoga, 30-minute reformer in home or online